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Human Rights – we protect them, they protect us


Crackdown on opposition reaches a crisis point ahead of national elections

Responding to the arrest of Arvind Kejriwal, Delhi state Chief Minister and opposition leader from the Aam Aadmi Party, along with freezing of bank accounts of another leading opposition party, Indian National Congress, Aakar Patel, chair of board at Amnesty International India, said: “The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led Indian government’s crackdown on peaceful dissent Weiterlesen

India: Immediately release Irfan Mehraj – A call from civil society on the first anniversary of his continuing arbitrary detention

We, the undersigned civil society organisations, call for the immediate and unconditional release of Kashmiri journalist and human rights defender Irfan Mehraj. While on a professional assignment on 20 March 2023, Mehraj was summoned for questioning and arbitrarily detained by India’s National Investigation Agency (NIA) in Srinagar under provisions of the Indian Penal Code and Weiterlesen

Citizenship Amendment Act is a blow to Indian constitutional values and international standards

The operationalization of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) 2019 is a blow to the Indian constitutional values of equality and religious non-discrimination and inconsistent and incompatible with India’s international human rights obligations, said Amnesty International today. Citizenship Amendment Act is a blow to Indian constitutional values and international standards Weiterlesen

The price of protest must not be death

Responding to the death of the 22- year-old farmer Shubhkaran Singh during the ‘Dilli Chalo’ Farmers’ march, Aakar Patel, chair of board at Amnesty International India, said: “The death of Shubhkaran Singh occurred amid a ruthless crackdown by the state authorities on the farmers protests in India. Authorities must carry out a prompt, effective, thorough, Weiterlesen

Right to peaceful protest under threat due to mounting restrictions and escalating crackdown on farmers’ march

Responding to the mounting restrictions and escalating crackdown by the Indian authorities on the ‘Dilli Chalo’ peaceful march of farmers, Aakar Patel, chair of board at Amnesty International India, said: “Instead of facilitating the right to protest, the Indian government is yet again going to great lengths to quash the farmers’ peaceful protests in the Weiterlesen

Emmanuel Macron’s participation as guest of honour at India’s Republic Day celebrations sends out a worrying political signal

As the French President, accompanied by several ministers and business leaders, embarks on a two-day official visit to India to “strengthen the strategic partnership” with Narendra Modi’s government, just a few weeks ahead of the country’s general elections, Amnesty International warns that minorities (religious, ethnic and gender) continue to suffer violent persecution in the country Weiterlesen

Die indischen Behörden müssen die gezielte Zerstörung muslimischen Eigentums sofort stoppen

Zwei neue Berichte von Amnesty International zeigen, wie Maschinen der Marke JCB als Waffe in einer Hasskampagne gegen Minderheiten in Indien eingesetzt werden. Die verbreitete rechtswidrige Zerstörung von Häusern, Geschäften und Gebetsstätten von Muslimen durch den Einsatz von JCB-Bulldozern und anderen Maschinen muss sofort gestoppt werden. Die beiden Berichte – ‘If you speak up, your Weiterlesen