Michael Gottlob, Menschenrechte und Erinnerungspolitik in Indien. Historische Perspektiven im Zeichen der Dekolonisierung (Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2024)
Menschenrechte (Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 11. 05. 2022)
Thomas Blom Hansen, The Law of Force: The Violent Heart of Indian Politics, 2021.
The Law of Force, Thomas Blom Hansen on ‘The Violent Heart of Indian Politics’ (The Tribune, 14. 03. 2021)
Christophe Jaffrelot, Modi’s India: Hindu Nationalism and the Rise of Ethnic Democracy
Princeton University Press 2021
Sumit Ganguly: An Illiberal India? Journal of Democracy, Vol. 31, No 1, January 2020.
Katrin Kinzelbach, Garima Mohan: German Human Rights Policy in a Multipolar World (Global Public Policy Institute, Amnesty International NL, 2016)
Om Prakash Dwivedi: Human Rights in Postcolonial India. London: Routledge 2016.
Duncan Green: From Poverty to Power — How Active Citizens and Effective States Can Change the World. Academic Foundation, 4772-73/23, New Delhi 2013. Rez. The Hindu, 25. 03. 2013
Pramod K. Nayar: Writing Wrongs The Cultural Construction of Human Rights in India. London: Routledge, 2012.
Aseem Shrivastava / Ashish Kothari: Churning the Earth: The Making of Global India, Penguin 2012. Rez. von Madhusree Mukerjee: To live free, Himal, 22. 08. 2012
Sammelrezension: India’s modern mutinies. Financial Times, 03. 09. 2011
Jona Dohrmann / Alexander Fischer: Public Interest Litigation in Indien, 2001.
Kristina Roepstorff, Eric Töpfer und Subin Nijhawan (eds): Menschenrechte in Indien: September 2005
A.G. Noorani: South Asia Human Rights Documentation, Challenges to Civil Rights Guarantees in India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2012. Rez. in Frontline, 21. 04. 2012.
Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte:
Sudeep Chakravarti: Clear Hold Build: Hard Lessons of Business and Human Rights in India. Harper Collins 2014 (Rs 599, PP 278). Rez.: Human rights in the business context in India. Interview mit dem Author: The tragedy of MoU explained by Sudeep Chakravarti (Hindustan Times, 20. 09. 2015)
Gautam Batia: Offend, Shock, or Disturb. Free Speech under the Indian Constitution. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2016. Rez. The Hindu, 27. 02. 2016
Michael Gottlob, Mordanschläge auf Kritiker (Südasien, 3, 2016)
Vidhya Das: HUMAN RIGHTS, INHUMAN WRONGS – State of Governance in Tribal Regions. New Delhi: Sarup Book Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Rs. 975. Rez. The Hindu, 01. 03. 2011
Felix Padel, Samarendra Das: Out of This Earth: East India Adivasis and the Aluminium Cartel. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan), 2010, pp 752, Rs 895. Rez. Economic Political Weekly, 18. 09. 2010.
Suraj Yengde’s new book unapologetically calls out the caste elephant in every room in modern India (, 14. 09. 2019)
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, Die Auslöschung des Kastensystems
(Heidelberg, Draupadi Verlag, 2019)
Sumit Ganguly (ed.): The Kashmir Question. Retrospect and Prospect. Portland: Frank Cass, 2003.
Religion und Menschenrechte:
Benedikt Naumann: Der Schutz von Religionen und Religionsgemeinschaften in Deutschland, England, Indien und Pakistan. Ein interkultureller Strafrechtsvergleich. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015.
Manoj Mitta: The Fiction of Fact-finding: Modi and Godhra. Noida: Harper Collins Publishers, 2014, Rez. KS Subramanian:
Gewalt an Frauen:
Katharina Kakar: Frauen in Indien. Leben zwischen Unterdrückung und Widerstand. München: Beck, 2015. Rez. Das Kollektiv straft mit Gewalt und Isolation (FAZ, 05. 12. 2015)
Pratiksha Baxi: Public Secrets of Law: Ethnography of Rape Trials in India, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2014. Rez. The legalisation of the illegal (The Hindu, 04. 08. 2014)
Annie Zaidi: Anstiftung zum Mord. Heidelberg: Draupadi, 2020.