Amnesty International fordert, dass die indische Regierung unverzüglich ihr repressives Vorgehen gegenüber Protestierenden und Journalist_innen im Zuge der anhaltenden landesweiten Proteste gegen die jüngst verabschiedeten Landwirtschaftsgesetze einstellt. Amnesty International ruft außerdem zur sofortigen Freilassung all derer auf, die nur verhaftet wurden, weil sie ihr Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung und Versammlung friedlich ausgeübt haben. Anstatt Meldungen Weiterlesen
The Indian government must immediately stop its escalating crackdown on protesters, farming leaders and journalists, amid ongoing nationwide demonstrations against three recently introduced farm laws, Amnesty International said today. The organization also called for the immediate and unconditional release of those arrested solely for peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. Weiterlesen
This briefing paper sets out Amnesty International’s key calls on all states ahead of the 46thregular session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC46) to ensure the UN Human Rights Council (HRC)fulfils its mandate to promote and protect human rights, to respond to human rights crises,and to prevent violations of human rights. India, p. 3, Weiterlesen
Unsere Kolleg*innen in Indien gerieten offenbar wegen ihrer unerschrockenen Arbeit für die Rechte der Menschen in Indien ins Visier der Regierung. Weitere Informationen und Aktionsanleitung (Online-Petition): Lasst Amnesty Indien arbeiten! Weiterlesen
Amnesty International India was forced to halt its operations on 30 September 2020 as part of a continual crackdown on civil society in India. Help us keep protecting human rights in India. Sign the petition: Protect our human rights work in India Weiterlesen
EU: Speak Out Against India’s Rights Violations Bilateral Human Rights Dialogue Scheduled for January 12(Brussels, 11 January 2021) The EU should take a strong stand and press India to immediately end systemic human rights violations, seven organizations said today, ahead of the European Union-India human rights dialogue scheduled for January 12, 2021. India should also Weiterlesen
Amnesty International is concerned that the newly published Country Information Report for India does not reflect the reality of the human rights situation on the ground. In particular, threats to human rights and ongoing violations of human rights are frequently understated in the report. Amnesty Australia statement: Australia in danger of understating serious human rights Weiterlesen
As the UN marks World Toilet Day, Amnesty International, WaterAid and the International Dalit Solidarity Network call on authorities in India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan to take immediate action to protect sanitation workers who are risking their lives on the COVID-19 frontlines.
Zum Statement: Joint Public Statement
“Dear PM, please ensure that those who do human rights work do not face a crackdown.” The organisation shut its India operations in September soon after the ED froze its accounts.
Die indische Regierung muss ihre zunehmende Unterdrückung von Dissens beenden, sagt Amnesty International nach einer Reihe von Razzien durch Anti-Terror-Kräfte auf die Räumlichkeiten und Wohnungen von zivilgesellschaftlichen Gruppen, Menschenrechtsverteidigern und Journalisten in Jammu und Kaschmir am Mittwoch (28. Oktober). Zum Statement: India: Counter-terror raids on civil society groups signal escalating crackdown on dissent Weiterlesen