Vor dem EU-Indien-Gipfel, der morgen in Portugal stattfindet, fordert Amnesty International die Staats- und Regierungschefinnen und -chefs der EU dazu auf, Indien in der Corona-Krise zu unterstützen und gleichzeitig die gravierenden Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Land anzuprangern. Die Menschenrechtsorganisation hielt dafür gestern vor dem Veranstaltungsort in Porto eine Mahnwache ab und unterstrich ihre Forderungen mit einer Petition. Weiterlesen
Petition: Stop silencing dissent in India: EU leaders must tell Prime Minister Modi to protect human rights amid the COVID-19 crisis
EU leaders meeting in Portugal next weekend will have online talks with Indian Prime Minister Modi. India currently faces a wave of COVID-19 infections and shortages of vaccines and treatments such as oxygen. At the same time, critics of India’s pandemic response are being silenced – including on Twitter and Facebook. This is why human Weiterlesen
EU: Prioritize Rights at India Summit
European leaders at the May 8, 2021 summit with their Indian counterparts should prioritize the deteriorating human rights situation in India, including the right to health, eight organizations said today.
Joint statement of eight organizations: EU: Prioritize Rights at India Summit