Amnesty Reports

Jahresberichte, Annual Reports:

Indien 2023, India 2023

Indien 2022,

Indien 2021

Indien 2020

Indien 2019

Indien 2017-18

Indien 2017

Indien 2016

Indien 2015

Indien 2013

Indien 2012

Indien 2011


Thematische Berichte von Amnesty International – Thematic Reports:


Bericht über Rechtsverletzungen an Personen, die zu Ausländern deklariert wurden und in Internierungslagern festgehalten werden: Between Fear and Hatred: Surviving Migration Detention in Assam (November 2018)

Jammu & Kashmir


‘Denied’: Failures in accountability for human rights violations by security force personnel in Jammu and Kashmir (Juni 2015)
Submission to the Jammu and Kashmir Home Department (März 2013)
STILL A ‘LAWLESS LAW’ (Oktober 2012)
A ‘Lawless Law’: Detentions under the Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act (Februar 2011); Presseerklärung
Briefing. The Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) Review Committee takes one step forward and two backwards (November 2006)
Human rights abuses in the election period in Jammu and Kashmir (September 1996)
Jammu and Kashmir: Remembering Jalil Andrabi (März 1997)
India: Torture, rape and deaths in custody (März 1992)

Adivasis: Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha (Orissa) 

“When land is lost, do we eat coal?” Coal mining and violations of Adivasi rights in India ( Kurzfassung) (Juli 2016)

Vedanta’s perspective uncovered: Policies cannot mask practices in Orissa (August 2012)
Open letter to Minister of Environment and Forests (Juni 2011)
Generalisations, omissions, assumptions. The failings of Vedanta’s Environmental Impact Assessments for its bauxite mine and alumina refinery in India’s state of Orissa (Juli 2011)
Don’t mine us out of existence: Bauxite mine and refinery devastate lives in India (Mai 2010)

Todesstrafe – Death Penalty

Todesstrafe und öffentliche Sicherheit:
Not making us safer: Crime, public safety and the death penalty (Oktober 2013)
Todesstrafe in Indien:
Lethal Lottery: The Death Penalty in India – A study of Supreme Court judgments in death penalty cases 1950-2006 (Mai 2008)

Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act – AFSPA

The Armed Forces Special Powers Act: Time for a renewed debate in India on human rights and national security (Nov. 2013)
Briefing on The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (Mai 2005)

Gujarat-Pogrom 2002

A pattern of unlawful killings by the Gujarat police: urgent need for effective investigations (2007)
Five years on – the bitter and uphill struggle for justice in Gujarat (2007)
Justice, the victim – Gujarat state fails to protect women from violence; Summary (2005)

Bhopal 1984

Injustice incorporated: Corporate abuses and the human right to remedy (März 2014)
Bhopal: Justice Delayed, Justice Denied: Background briefing on the criminal prosecutions in India (2009)
25 Jahre nach der Katastrophe: Regierungen und Unternehmen entziehen sich der Verantwortung (2009) English: Dodging Responsibility (2009)
Clouds of Injustice: Bhopal disaster 20 years on (2004); Wolken der Ungerechtigkeit (2004)

Gewalt gegen Frauen – Violence against women

INDIA. Submission to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, 58th session (Juni 2014)
Submission to the Justice Verma Committee (Januar 2013)
Justice, the victim – Gujarat state fails to protect women from violence (2005)
Crimes against women in Gujarat – denied and unpunished (2003)
The battle against fear and discrimination. The impact of violence against women in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan (Mai 2001)

Dalit- und Kastendiskriminierung – Caste discrimination

Racism and the Administration of Justice (Juli 2001)

2. Mai 2024